Category: SQL

Between Operator in SQL

Between Operator in SQL

Between Operator in SQL is used to filter out the output within a specified range specified in the WHERE condition. It can be used with SELECT, INSERT,UPDATE or DELETE SQL statements. Syntax : SELECT...

Pattern Matching in SQL – Using Wildcards

Pattern Matching in SQL – Using Wildcards

In the previous post we have studied about the ‘WHERE’ clause (used to filter out the output ) and the ‘EQUALITY’ operator ( used along with the WHERE clause to specify the filter condition)....

Where Clause

Where Clause

Where Clause….is used to filter results from SQL statements like Insert,Update,Select,Delete that meet the filter criteria. Syntax :  SELECT   *  FROM <Tablename> WHERE <Column> = <Value>; Sample Database ILLUSTRATION  OF WHERE CLAUSE USING...

Character Functions()

Character Functions()

Sample Database : There are following Character Functions(). 1. INITCAP() It converts the Initial letter of every word into Upper Case and rest in Lower case. This changes are only temporary and done only in...

System Defined Function in SQL

System Defined Functions in SQL

Functions can basically be divided into two types : User Defined System Defined. System Defined Functions in SQL: In this Post we will discuss about the System Defined or Inbuilt functions provided by SQL...

SQL Interview Questions part 9

SQL Interview Questions part 9

You can see part 8 here. 121) Display those employee whose deptno is available in salary? 122) Display those employee whose first 2 characters from hiredate -last 2 characters of salary? 123) Display those employee...