This Selenium Tutorial will Cover basic to advance concepts of Selenium, tricks, tips and useful example of real scenarios.
A) Selenium Introduction
B) Installation of Java and Eclipse
C) Core Java Required For Testing
D) Selenium IDE
E) Selenium WebDriver step by step
- Configuring Selenium With Eclipse
- Usage of Developer Tools ,Firebug and Firepath
- Different Type of Locators
- Object identification using xpath
- Object identification using CSS selector
- Introduction to Selenium Webdriver and comparison with Selenium RC
- Working with Different Browsers
- Difference between Webdriver get() and navigate()
- Difference between findElement() and findElements()
- Writing the First Program in Selenium
- WebDriver Close() and Quit() methods
- Different Types of Wait
- Working with Weblist in Selenium
- Working with Checkbox and Radiobutton
- Select Random Value from Drop down
- Enter Data into Edit boxes and Click on a Button
- Working With Multiple Browser Windows
- Handling Cookies of the Browser
- Handling Different Type of Pop-ups in Application
- Working with WebTables
- Create Object Repository using Properties file
- Introduction To Apache POI API
- Creating and Writing To the Excel Files
- Reading From Excel Files
- Other Useful Operations on Excel
- Firefox profiling
- Webdriver Desired Capabilities
F) TestNG Framework:
- What is TestNG?
- Installation of TestNG
- Uninstallation of TestNG
- Annotations in TestNG
- Writing First Program with TestNG
- Building a Test Suite in TestNG
- Executions Sequence of Annotations
- Prioritizing of Test Cases
- Grouping of Test Cases
- Skipping the test cases and creating dependency between tests
- Assertion and Reporting in TestNG
- Parameters in TestNG
- DataProvider in TestNG
- TestNG Listener
G) Selenium Grid:
- What is Selenium Grid?
- Configure Hub and nodes in Selenium Grid
- Configure node by using JSON file
- Run Test cases by using Selenium Grid
H) Maven:
- What is Maven?
- How to Install Maven on Windows
- Create a Maven Project and Import it into Eclipse
- What is POM.xml?
- Practical example of Maven
I) Advance Tricks and Tips:
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