Category: UFT/QTP

Error handling in UFT – Part 2

Error handling in UFT – Part 2

In Part 1, we have learnt how to handle and capture the run time errors. Now, we will see how to handle if any exception occurs. Exception are nothing but the errors which we...

Error handling in UFT – Part 1

Error handling in UFT – Part 1

It is very common to get error while writing some program. But there should be a proper way to handle the errors, capture them and report them. Before jumping to error handling,let’s understand what...

Descriptive programming

Descriptive programming

Descriptive programming is very powerful concept in UFT. Descriptive programming can be considered for the following scenarios. 1. Application is having many dynamic objects. Dynamic objects are the objects whose properties are not constant...



Debugging is very essentials for any programming. To catch the error and its cause or traversing through the code to verify the values etc., debugging plays a important role. we can insert the breakpoint, where...



Breakpoints help us in debugging the code. Execution will be paused at the line of code where the breakpoint has been applied. UFT allows us to put multiple break points. For putting the break...

Variable – Environment,scalar,Array

Variable – Environment,scalar,Array

Definition: Variable is a place-holder where you can store some value in the computer’s memory. It will have a name which can be used to access or modify its value. In Vbscript, variable are of...



Datatable is an in-bulit utility of UFT which is used for parametrizing the data driven test cases. It can be attached with multiple Actions and also run a particular test case with multiple set...

Function and Sub procedures

Function and Sub procedures

Function and Sub are part of procedure that help in reusability of the code. Procedure: 1. Function 2. Sub In other words, Function and sub contain a set of statement which are common for multiple...

Database connection

Database connection

For database connection, mainly we need 4 components as mentioned in the table below. We will take the example of oracle database. For working with any other database you just need to change the...

UFT features

Tool features – Part 2

Debug Pane: This is very useful pane and used while the script is in debug mode. It has following sub pane. 1. Breakpoints : Display all the breakpoints applied in action scripts, function libraries and...