Tagged: Selenium WebDriver

webtable handling in selenium

Working with WebTables in Selenium

In the previous post, we have seen how to work with the different kind of Pop-ups in Selenium.In this post,we will see the working with WebTables in Selenium WebTable is a very common feature...

SelectByIndex in selenium webdriver

Select random value in the Weblist

In the previous post, we have seen how to work with check boxes and radio button in selenium.In this post, we will see how to Select random value in the Weblist. In any scenario,...

Weblist using selenium

Working with WebList in Selenium

In the previous post, we have seen different types of wait commands in Selenium. In this post, we will see how to work with WebList in selenium. If you are automation any web application,...

findelements in selenium

Difference between findElement() and findElements()

In the previous post, we have seen about WebDriver get() and navigate() methods. In this post, we will learn the difference between findElement() and findElements(). These are the important methods  which are used for finding...