Category: Selenium

Verify toolTip using Selenium Webdriver

Verify toolTip using Selenium Webdriver

In this post, we will see how to verify toolTip using Selenium Webdriver. Tooltip is the text that appears when mouse hovers over an object like link, button, image etc. Sometimes, it is a...

HTMlUnit driver

HTMLUnit Driver

HTMLUnit Driver is currently the fastest and most light weight implementation of WebDriver. It is based on HTMLUnit (This is a Java framework for testing webapps.) It is also known as Headless Browser Driver....


DesiredCapabilities in Selenium with Example

In the Previous post, we have seen how to create Firefox Profile in Selenium. In this post, we will learn DesiredCapabilities in Selenium with Example. Not all server implementations will support every WebDriver feature....

Bookmark saved for Firefox Profile

Firefox Profiling in Selenium

In the previous post, we have learnt few useful operations on Excel File using POI API. In this post, we will see the importance of Firefox Profiling in Selenium. When we start Fire fox...

Hyperlink click in poi

Useful Operations in Excel Using POI API

In the previous post, we have learnt how to Read data from Excel file. Apart from usual reading and writing , we will perform some useful operations in Excel using POI API. In Selenium, if...

Insert comment into excel POI

Reading from Excel using POI API

In the previous post, we have learnt how to create and write to Excel Files using Apache POI APIs. We have used XSSF API to write data which is used for xlsx formats.In this...

Excel operation in Selenium

Writing to Excel File using POI API

In the previous post, we have given the overview of Apache POI API like what are these, how to download them etc.In this post, we will learn how to use POI API to write...

HSSF and XSSF Examples

Introduction to Apache POI API

In the previous post, we have seen creating the object repository using properties file in Selenium.In this post , we will see what is Apache POI API and its use in File I/O. File...