Tagged: Java

HTMlUnit driver

HTMLUnit Driver

HTMLUnit Driver is currently the fastest and most light weight implementation of WebDriver. It is based on HTMLUnit (This is a Java framework for testing webapps.) It is also known as Headless Browser Driver....


ListIterator in java

In the previous post, we have learnt about the Iterator in java. In this post, we will learn about ListIterator in java. It is different from Iterator , because ListIterator is used to iterate...

database connection in java

Database connection in Java

In the previous post, we have learnt about Collection Framework. In this post, we will see how to connect to the database in java. There are following steps which we need to follow to...

Iterator in java

Iterator in Java

In the previous post, we have learnt about TreeMap in java. In this post, we will learn about the Iterator in java. Iterator is used for iterating(looping) over collections classes in java like HashMap,...


TreeMap in Java

In the previous post, we have learnt about LinkedHashMap. In this post, we will learn about TreeMap in java. It has the following features as given below. It implements the NavigableMap interface and extends...


LinkedHashMap in java

In the previous post, we have seen how to remove elements from HashMap. In this post, we will learn about LinkedHashMap in java. LinekdHashMap has the following features. It implements Map and extends HashMap....

Remove hashmap

Remove key and value pair from HashMap

In the previous post, we have seen how to sort the HashMap on the basis of keys and values. In this post we will see how to remove key and value pair from HashMap....


Sort HashMap by keys and values

In the previous post, we have learnt how to iterate over the HashMap. In this post, we will see how to sort HashMap by keys and values. By default, HashMap does not preserve any...

Itearate Over HashMap

Iterate over a HashMap

In this post, we have seen how to add the element to HashMap. In this post, we will see how to iterate over a HashMap. We can iterate over a HashMap by using two ways....

Add to HashMap

Add elements to HashMap

In this post, we have seen about HashMap. In this post, we will learn how to add elements to HashMap. We need to use method put to add the values to HashMap. Syntax: HashMap<key,...