Category: Maven

Maven project execution

Create and run a maven project

In the previous post, we have learnt about the pom.xml. In this post, we will create a project and execute it through maven commands. We have already seen how to install Maven, creating maven...


POM.xml in Maven

In the previous post, we have seen how to create the Maven project and import that into eclipse.  In this post, we will learn about one important component of Maven that is nothing but...

Maven zip file

How to Install Maven on Windows

In the previous post, we have learnt about Maven. In this post, we will see How to Install Maven on Windows. Download Apache Maven: Visit Apache Maven official website to download maven zip file After downloading...

Maven arcchitecture

What is Maven?

In previous post, we have learnt how to execute the test cases using Selenium Grid. In this post, we will learn about Maven. What is Maven? Maven is basically a build automation tool mainly used...