Category: ETL Testing

Data Control Language in SQL ( DCL Commands )

Data Control Language in SQL ( DCL Commands )

  What are DCL Commands ?? Data Control Language or shortly called DCL commands are a set of SQL Commands that  provides database security by granting or removing various permissions or privileges for the...

Distinct Clause in SQL

Distinct Clause in SQL

Distinct Clause in SQL is used to fetch only unique values and remove the duplicate values from the result. Key – Points : The changes made by Distinct Clause are not permanent and are...

Backup Table in SQL

Backup Table in SQL

Backup Table in SQL, as the name suggests, is the copy of an existing table whose backup we need to take . Constraints on the original table are not copied in the Backup table...

Order By Clause in SQL

Order By Clause in SQL

Order By Clause in SQL is used to sort the resultset in ascending or descending order. Key – Points : By default it sorts the result in Ascending order. Asc Keyword is used for...

Logical Operators

Logical Operators

In this post , we will discuss about Logical Operators. AND Operator : AND Operator is used to filter the records based on two or more than two conditions. It is specified in the WHERE...

Deadlocks in SQL

Deadlocks in SQL

For a transactional database , Deadlocks in SQL may be defined as a situation in which two or more oracle sessions are competing against the same data and waiting for each other to release...

TCL commands

Transaction Control Language (TCL Commands)

COMMIT : This command is used to save the users action  until that particular point of time. Until and less commit is performed , the changes made by transaction are not made permanent. Syntax...

DML commands

Data Manipulation Language ( DML Commands)

Data Manipulation Commands are used for managing the data within the database objects. These commands are not auto commit unlike DDL commands.   Types of Data Manipulation Language ( DML Commands) : 1. SELECT...

Anonymous PLSQL block

Anonymous PL/SQL Block

Definition : The PL/SQL block that has no name is called Anonymous PL/SQL Block. Structure : Since the Anonymous Blocks have no names , therefore the header section is completely missing. They only consist...

Null Functions

Null Functions

Null Functions : Null Functions are used to handle Null values . Following different kinds of Null Functions are available in Oracle. 1. NVL Function : NVL stands for Null Value. This Function is...