Tagged: String methods

isempty and lastindexof

String methods – isEmpty() and lastIndexof

In this post, we will discuss about 2 methods which are isEmpty and lastIndexOf. Let’s understand them with examples. boolean isEmpty(): Returns true , if length of the string is 0. public class StringMethodsEx...


String methods – toString,toUppercase,toLowercase,toChararray

In this post, we will discuss about the string methods toString,toUppercase,toLowercase,toChararray. Let’s see them one by one with examples. String toString(): This method returns itself i.e. a same string. public class StringMethodsEx { public static...

concat and contains

String methods – Concat and contains

In this post, we will see 2 string methods which are  concat and contains. String concat(String str): The method appends a specified string to the end of this string. If the length of the string...

String methods in java

String methods in Java

There are numerous string methods in java which are helpful for performing different and useful operations on Strings. Here is the table containing all the methods present in Strings. You can click on the methods name...