Object Repository
Object repository is an in-built feature of UFT. It is like a container which contains all the test objects of AUT(Application under test). You can click on the icon on tool bar to open...
Software Programming Guide
Object repository is an in-built feature of UFT. It is like a container which contains all the test objects of AUT(Application under test). You can click on the icon on tool bar to open...
Expert View: It is the editor where we write the script. Note: Highlighted button is used to toggle between Keyword and expert view. Keyword View: It is the view where you can see graphical hierarchy of the...
Actions help to divide the test into small parts and increase reusability. When we create a new Test , an action will be attached by default with the Test. A test is comprised of one...
Before moving to Function library, let’s understand what is a Function? Function: As a definition, Function is nothing but a set of statements(code) combined to cover a particular functionality. Function are used for reusability.Let’s...
In Automation testing, you hear the word ‘OBJECT’ many times. So, what is an object? Object: From automation perspective, whatever you see in an Application like Browser,Page,button,Textbox,Link,Radio button,check box etc. are called as Objects. Now,...
Integrating with ALM – Before connecting to ALM, we need to check an option which allows other HP products. You will find this option at the below path. Tools –> options –> GUI Testing...
File System Object is an important concept. It is basically used for interacting with Computer’s File System. It perform operations like Creating folder,deleting folder,Creating Text file,reading ,writing etc. Let’s see use of FileSystemObject in...
You can send mail from outlook with an attachment to intended persons. Function SendMail(SendTo, Subject, Body, Attachment) Set olook=CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”) Set Mail=olook.CreateItem(0) Mail.to=SendTo Mail.Subject=Subject Mail.Body=Body If (Attachment <> “”) Then Mail.Attachments.Add(Attachment) End If Mail.Send olook.Quit...