Tagged: Core Java

super keyword in java

super keyword in java

In the previous session, we have seen the usage of method overriding. In this session, we will see how to use the keyword super in java programming. The super keyword is used to refer immediate parent class members....

Aggregation in java

Aggregation in java

The most important advantage of Object oriented programming is code reusability. Aggregation means making a relationship or association between 2 classes. There is one directional association between the classes that represent Has-A relationship. As an example suppose,...

this keyword

this keyword

In java, this keyword is used as a reference of the current object. Here are few important usage of this keyword. this keyword represent current instance of the class. this can be used to call default constructor or...

Data types in Java

Data types in Java

Data types specifies the types of value and its size that can be stored in an identifier. There are 2 types of data types as given below. Primitive data types Non-Primitive/Reference data types

Variable Types in java

Variable Types in java

Variable is nothing but a name or keyword which occupies space in the memory. Variables are classified in 3 types. Local Variable Instance (or non-static) variable Static or Class variables Parameters or arguments Local...

Internal working of JVM

Internal working of JVM

JVM is an abstract computing machine or Virtual machine which is a platform independent environment and converts the bytecodes into machine language and help to execute the program.We will study about its internal working.The...