String methods – equals() and equalsIgnoreCase()

These methods are used to compare 2 string objects. If both String matches, returns true else false.


Equals is used to compare 2 strings and it is case sensitive.
e.g. The Strings “JAVA” and “java” , result will be false.

public class EqualsExample {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String val1 = new String("JAVA");
		String val2 = new String("java");
		String val3 = new String("Hello");
		String val4 = "Hello";

		System.out.println("Comparing val1 and val2 "+val1.equals(val2));  //false
		System.out.println("Comparing val2 and val3 "+val2.equals(val3));  //false
		System.out.println("Comparing val3 and val4 "+val3.equals(val4));  //true

Comparing val1 and val2 false
Comparing val2 and val3 false
Comparing val3 and val4 true



This is used to compare 2 strings and it is not case-sensitive.
e.g. The Strings “JAVA” and “java” , result will be true.

public class EqualsIgnoreCaseExample {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String val1 = new String("JAVA");
		String val2 = new String("java");
		String val3 = new String("Hello");
		String val4 = "Hello";

		System.out.println("Comparing val1 and val2 "+val1.equalsIgnoreCase(val2));  //true
		System.out.println("Comparing val2 and val3 "+val2.equalsIgnoreCase(val3));  //false
		System.out.println("Comparing val3 and val4 "+val3.equalsIgnoreCase(val4));  //true

Output: Comparing val1 and val2 true
Comparing val2 and val3 false
Comparing val3 and val4 true
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Shekhar Sharma

Shekhar Sharma is founder of This website is his window to the world. He believes that ,"Knowledge increases by sharing but not by saving".

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1 Response

  1. August 6, 2015

    […] boolean equals(Object anObject) […]