Scala – String
Scala string is a sequence of characters inside quotes. It is an immutable object like in java that means its values can not be modified. When you write a String in REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) environment, and get the name of the String literal, it will print java.lang.String which tells us that scala uses java String class, hence allows us to use its methods in scala.

As you can see in the above image, we have defined the type as String while declaring variable str. What if we do not mention the type and write the String as given below?
val str = "Employee"
It will also work , as compiler understands it as String literal and creates a string object str. We can see an example how it is an immutable object. If we replace the characters in the string , it gives a new string and original string str remains intact. We are replacing “Emp” with “123” ,and it gives a new string. But String str remains as Employee when printed again.
scala> str res26: String = Employee scala> str.replace("Emp","123") res27: String = 123loyee scala> str res28: String = Employee
Now, let’s see some important methods of string.
Consider that we have a string object as – val str = “Employee”.
It returns the length of the string in characters.
scala> str.length res1: Int = 8
It returns the part of string staring at index i. Index start from 0.
scala> str.substring(2) res2: String = ployee
It returns the part of String starting at index i and goes till index (j-1).
scala> str.substring(2,5) res4: String = plo
It also works the same as substring and gives the same result.
scala> str.substring(2,5) res4: String = plo
It returns boolean value as true if x is substring of str.
scala> str.contains("yee") res6: Boolean = true
It returns the index of first occurrence of substring in string str or -1 if not present.
scala> str.indexOf("yee") res8: Int = 5 scala> str.indexOf("ayee") res9: Int = -1
Converts string into lower case.
scala> str.toLowerCase res10: String = employee
Converts string into uppercase.
scala> str.toUpperCase res11: String = EMPLOYEE
returns a string with first character as upper case.
scala> str.capitalize
res13: String = Employee
returns boolean value true if string object is empty else false. It is same like str.length==0.
scala> str.isEmpty res15: Boolean = false
returns true if str starts with x. It is case sensitive.
scala> str.startsWith("E") res16: Boolean = true scala> str.startsWith("e") res17: Boolean = false
returns true if str ends with x. It is case sensitive.
scala> str.endsWith("e") res18: Boolean = true scala> str.endsWith("E") res19: Boolean = false
returns reversed string.
scala> str.reverse res20: String = eeyolpmE
It returns a new string with all characters x replaced by y.
scala> str.replace("ee","123") res23: String = Employ123
It returns a string with white spaces removed both the side.
scala> str.trim res24: String = Employee
It splits the string on the basis of delimiter and returns a array of strings.
scala> str.split("l") res25: Array[String] = Array(Emp, oyee)