Scala Installation
In this post, we will learn what are the prerequisite for scala, how to install it and run it.
Firstly, You would like to check if scala is already installed on your system or not. To check that, open the command prompt(windows) or Terminal (Mac) and type scala. If scala is not installed you will get the message like as shown below.

Now, It is confirmed that scala is not installed. Let’s move next step by step.
- Open the browser and search for download scala. Click on

2. As a prerequisite , you should have Java already installed on your system.
3. You need to download scala.2.13.msi file.

4. After downloading msi file, double click on that and follow the instructions.

5. Accept the License terms and keep clicking Next.

6. Click on Install button.

7. Wait till it says Finish.

8. Click on Finish button and go to the below path in program files and copy it – “C:\Program Files(x86)\scala\bin”.

9. Right click on “This PC” or “My Computer” and select properties.

10 . Go to “Advance System Settings” –> “Environment Variable”

11. Search for environment variable named “PATH”.

12. Open variable “PATH” and Click on New and paste the copied path.

13. Click Ok button and let’s validate if scala has been installed properly.
14. Open the Command prompt and type scala. If you get the below message , that means you have successfully installed the scala. Enjoy!!