Scala – Function parameter with Default Value
In Scala, we have seen how to pass the function as parameter. Now, Suppose you want to define your function in such a way that if you don’t pass any arguments, it gives you a default result instead of throwing any error and you have the choice to pass any parameter or not.
object FuncWithDefaultParam { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("passing 2,3 - Result: "+addition(2,3)) //Calling function with 2 parameters /Result : 2 + 3 println("Passing 2 - Result: " + addition(2)) //Calling function with 1 parameters /Result : 2 + 0 println("passing nothing - Result: " +addition()) //Calling function with no parameters /Result : 0 + 0 } def addition(a:Int=0,b:Int=0): Int ={ a + b } }
passing 2,3 - Result: 5
Passing 2 - Result: 2
passing nothing - Result: 0