Scala – Auxiliary Constructor
In the previous post, we have learnt primary constructor in scala. Now, we will learn about Auxiliary constructor in scala.
In scala, constructor other than primary constructor are called Auxiliary Constructor or secondary constructor. We can have multiple constructors in a class and there are few points below to understand them better.
- Auxiliary constructors are the methods in the class which can be created with def this(…). That means one constructor calls another constructor with method named this.
- There can be multiple Auxiliary constructors but all should have the different signature (parameter list). It can have zero or one or more parameters.
- Each constructor must call one of the previously defined constructor and placed it as first line of its body.
- Auxiliary constructor can call either primary constructor or another auxiliary constructor by using this name.Hence, every auxiliary constructor invokes directly or indirectly to a primary constructor.
Example 1 – Create a primary constructor and an auxiliary constructor
Let’s understand this with an example where we define a class having a primary constructor and a zero arguments auxiliary constructor.
//Primary Constructor
class Employee(firstName:String,middleName:String,lastName:String){
println("Primary Constructor displays name - " + firstName +" " + middleName + " " + lastName)
//zero argument auxiliary constructor
def this(){
this("Default FN ", "Default MN" , " Default LN")
println("Zero parameters auxiliary constructor")
Now, create an object with no parameter and it should call auxiliary constructor which will make a call to primary constructor. In other words, first primary constructor will be executed and then auxiliary constructor.
object ConstructorExample extends App{
val emp3 = new Employee //Calling 0 parameter auxiliary constructor
Primary Constructor displays name - Default FN Default MN Default LN
Zero parameters auxiliary constructor
If object is created with parameters, then only primary constructor will be called.
object ConstructorExample extends App{
val emp3 = new Employee("Shekhar","","Sharma") //Calling primary constructor
Primary Constructor displays name - Shekhar Sharma
Example 2 – Create a primary constructor and multiple auxiliary constructors.
//Primary Constructor
class Employee(firstName:String,middleName:String,lastName:String){
println("Primary Constructor displays name - " + firstName +" " + middleName + " " + lastName)
//zero arguments auxiliary constructor
def this(){
this("Default FN ", "Default MN" , " Default LN")
println("Zero parameters auxiliary constructor")
//2 arguments auxiliary constructor
def this(FN:String,LN:String){
println("2 parameters auxiliary constructor - " + FN +" "+LN)
Create an object with 2 parameters.
object ConstructorExample extends App{
val emp3 = new Employee("John","Hough") //Calling 2 arguments constructor
Primary Constructor displays name - Default FN Default MN Default LN
Zero parameters auxiliary constructor
2 parameters auxiliary constructor - John Hough
In the above example, first 2 arguments constructor will be called which is having zero argument constructor as its first line and it will call primary constructor. So, it will have execution sequence as Primary constructor –> Zero arguments constructor –> 2 arguments constructor.
So far, we have discussed the constructor overloading with auxiliary constructors. Is it possible to perform constructor overloading without auxiliary constructor or by using only primary constructor?
Answer is Yes, it is possible as Scala has introduced a new feature called as “Scala’s Default Arguments concept” from version 2.9.
Example: Let’s redefine the Employee class with default parameters as given below.
//Primary Constructor with default parameters
class Employee(firstName:String = "John",middleName:String = "M",lastName:String = "Hough"){
println("Primary Constructor displays name - " + firstName +" " + middleName + " " + lastName)
Test1 – Create an object without arguments.
object ConstructorExample extends App{
val emp = new Employee
Primary Constructor displays name - John M Hough
Test 2 – Change the first name.
object ConstructorExample extends App{
val emp = new Employee("Ryan")
Primary Constructor displays name - Ryan M Hough
Test 3 – Change the last name.
object ConstructorExample extends App{
val emp = new Employee(lastName="Thomas")
Primary Constructor displays name - John M Thomas