Scala Currying Function
In this tutorial, we will learn about currying functions in scala.Suppose, we have a function that has multiple arguments and this function can be transformed into series of functions where each function has single...
Software Programming Guide
In this tutorial, we will learn about currying functions in scala.Suppose, we have a function that has multiple arguments and this function can be transformed into series of functions where each function has single...
A partially applied function, as its name says, is a function where arguments of functions can be applied partially, and as a result it provides another function that still “expects” to get its missing...
In scala, when a function is written without a name is know as anonymous function, also called function literal – so you can pass it into a method that takes a function as an...
When program gets larger, it needs to be divided into smaller reusable, more manageable pieces. It can be achieved by writing functions where code can be divided. Scala provides rich set of built in...
In Scala, Final is a keyword that is used to prevent inheritance of super class in any of the child classes.We can declare variables, methods and classes with Final keyword. Let’s understand them with...
In Scala, we can override the fields but with some rules. Let’s understand it with some examples. If you look at the below code, where we are overriding the field named ‘age’ from 30...
In Scala, this keyword is used to refer as current object of the class. By using dot(.) after it, we can call instance variable, methods and constructors. As we have seen in earlier post,...
In the previous post, we have learnt about method overloading. Now, we will see what is Inheritance in scala. Inheritance is used for reusability of the code. When a class wants to use/reimplement code...
In previous post, we have seen what is Inheritance. Now, we will learn about method overriding. When a subclass has the same name method as defined in the parent class. It is called as...
In previous post, we have seen what is auxiliary constructor . Now, let’s understand the method overloading in scala. What is method overloading? When a class can have multiple methods with same name but...