Annotations in TestNG

In the previous post, we have seen how to uninstall TestNG from Eclipse.In this post, we will learn different types of annotations in TestNG.

Annotations in TestNG:

Annotations are placed over the method with the symbol @. We can control the sequence and priority of the methods which allows to execute java code before and after a certain point.

Annotations in TesNG

Following is the table containing the annotations in TestNG.

Annotations Descriptions
@BeforeSuite The annotated method will be run before all tests in this suite have run.
@AfterSuite The annotated method will be run after all tests in this suite have run.
@BeforeTest The annotated method will be run before any test method belonging to the classes inside the tag is run.
@AfterTest The annotated method will be run after all the test methods belonging to the classes inside the tag have run.
@BeforeClass The annotated method will be run before the first test method in the current class is invoked.
@AfterClass The annotated method will be run after all the test methods in the current class have been run.
@BeforeGroups The list of groups that this configuration method will run before. This method is guaranteed to run shortly before the first test method that belongs to any of these groups is invoked.
@AfterGroups The list of groups that this configuration method will run after. This method is guaranteed to run shortly after the last test method that belongs to any of these groups is invoked.
@BeforeMethod The annotated method will be run before each test method.
@AfterMethod The annotated method will be run after each test method.
@Test Marks a method as part of the test case.
@DataProvider Supplies the data to a test methods. It return Object[][] where each Object[] can be assigned the parameter list of the test method.The @Test method that wants to receive data from this DataProvider needs to use a dataProvider name equals to the name of this annotation.
@Listeners Defines listeners on a test class.
@Parameters Used to pass Parameters to a test method.

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Shekhar Sharma

Shekhar Sharma is founder of This website is his window to the world. He believes that ,"Knowledge increases by sharing but not by saving".

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