Tagged: SQL

SQL interview part 1

SQL Interview Questions part 1

The queries which we are going to share here, have mostly been asked in interviews. This is SQL interview questions  part 1. 1) Display the details of all employees. 2) Display the department information from...

SQl interview questions

SQL Interview Questions

Here , we will cover most common queries/questions asked in SQL interviews. You can also share the questions that you would have faced in interviews , it might be helpful for the someone. You can...

Metadata And Data Warehousing

Metadata And Data Warehousing

1. Metadata What is Metadata??? Metadata may be defined as’ Data about data’ or ‘Data ( mostly definitions) about the structures containing other data’ . for e.g. a table has four columns , two...

Types of Constraints

Types of Constraints

In the Previous post we studied about ‘ What are Constraints ? ‘. Now we will read about different Types of Constraints. What are the Different Types of Constraints : 1. NOT NULL Constraint...

Backup Table in SQL

Backup Table in SQL

Backup Table in SQL, as the name suggests, is the copy of an existing table whose backup we need to take . Constraints on the original table are not copied in the Backup table...

Order By Clause in SQL

Order By Clause in SQL

Order By Clause in SQL is used to sort the resultset in ascending or descending order. Key – Points : By default it sorts the result in Ascending order. Asc Keyword is used for...

Logical Operators

Logical Operators

In this post , we will discuss about Logical Operators. AND Operator : AND Operator is used to filter the records based on two or more than two conditions. It is specified in the WHERE...

Null Functions

Null Functions

Null Functions : Null Functions are used to handle Null values . Following different kinds of Null Functions are available in Oracle. 1. NVL Function : NVL stands for Null Value. This Function is...

ETL testing Guide

ETL Testing Guide

Data Warehouse Concepts. Introduction – ETL Testing. ETL Development Life Cycle. ETL Testing Life Cycle. Test Strategies for ETL Testing.

Data Definition Language ( DDL Commands )

Data Definition Language ( DDL Commands )

What are DDL Commands ?? Data Definition Language ( DDL Commands ) as the name suggests , are used to define and modify the database objects definitions. They are auto – saved or Auto –...