Tagged: Selenium

Assert report

Assertions and Reporting in TestNG

In the previous post, we have learnt how to skip test case and create dependency between test cases. In this post, we will learn about assertions and Reporting in TestNG. All test cases must...

Exclude keyword in TestNg

Grouping of Test Cases in TestNG

In the previous post, we have seen how to prioritize the test cases in TestNG. In this post, we will learn about Grouping of Test Cases in TestNG. In TestNG , we have one...

prioritization In testNG

Prioritizing of Test Cases in TestNG

In the previous post, we have seen the sequence of annotation execution. In this post, we will learn about Prioritizing of Test Cases in TestNG. This is obvious in testing that we have multiple test...

TestSuite in TestNG

Building a Test Suite in TestNG

In the previous post, we have learnt how to write a program in TestNG. In this post, we will see what is a TestSuite and its usage in TestNG. What is a Test Suite?...

TestNG Program

Writing First Program with TestNG

In the previous post, we have learnt about TestNG annotations. In this Post, we will be writing First Program with TestNG. Prerequisite: TestNG should be installed with Eclipse as shown in this post. Let’s understand...

Install TestNG

Uninstall TestNG from Eclipse

In the previous post,we have seen the installation of TestNG to eclipse. In this post, we will learn how to uninstall TestNG from eclipse if required. If any time you require to uninstall TestNG, then...

Eclipse TestNG

Installation of TestNG

In the previous post, we have seen what is TestNG and its important features. In this post, we will learn to install TestNG. Before installing TestNg, make sure you have active internet connection and...

TestNg in Selenium

What is TestNG?

In the previous post, we have learnt about the desiredcapabilities in selenium. In this post, we will introduce you with a very important concept of Selenium automation Testing , which is TestNG Framework. What...