Author: Shekhar Sharma

Object and Classes

Object and Classes

Object: As explained earlier in the post OOPs concept, Object can be defined as what we see around us in real world like car, pen, TV etc. It can be a physical and logical...

Naming convention in Java

Naming convention in Java

In java, when we assign name to identifiers such as class, package,method,variables etc. ,there are certain conditions which should be followed.It is not mandatory, but right way to do that. It improves the readability...

OOPs concepts in java

OOPs concepts in java

In this post, we will study about the OOPs concepts i.e. Objects oriented programming concepts. As per its name, first question comes to the mind is what is an object? What is an Object?...

Operators in java

Operators in java

Operators are special symbol which are used to perform some operation on two or three or more operands or expression manipulation. There are following types of operators available in java. Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operator...

Data types in Java

Data types in Java

Data types specifies the types of value and its size that can be stored in an identifier. There are 2 types of data types as given below. Primitive data types Non-Primitive/Reference data types

Variable Types in java

Variable Types in java

Variable is nothing but a name or keyword which occupies space in the memory. Variables are classified in 3 types. Local Variable Instance (or non-static) variable Static or Class variables Parameters or arguments Local...

Difference between JVM,JDK and JRE

Difference between JVM,JDK and JRE

JVM,JDK and JRE are the important points to discuss while studying java. Here, we have explained brief overview of JVM. If you want to know about it in more detail, then you can read it...

Internal working of JVM

Internal working of JVM

JVM is an abstract computing machine or Virtual machine which is a platform independent environment and converts the bytecodes into machine language and help to execute the program.We will study about its internal working.The...

Java and its features

Java and its features

Java is both a programming language and a platform.The program is written in a simple file with  .java extension.Then compiler called ‘javac’ compiles those files into .class files which are nothing but the bytecodes  that will be...

Selenium Introduction

Selenium Introduction

Selenium is an open source tool used for test automation. It is mainly used for automating web application. It has an interesting history. First time, Selenium was introduced in 2004. At Thoughtworks, Jason Huggins was testing an...